
Here are some photos from the big Knight and Day premiere last night in Spain. First reaction: Jesus, Katie does not know how to dress for her body at all. I actually think Katie is a pretty girl with a nice figure, but she needs some help in the style department. Like, with her legs, I wouldn’t ever suggest this kind of skirt, nor the ankle booties. It makes her legs look stocky. And that kind of sleeveless shift top does nothing for either – I’d put her in something sexier, showing off her cleavage rather than her arms. My second reaction? Tom Cruise certainly looks… tall. Standing next to his wife Katie Holmes in some photos, and his Knight and Day costar Cameron Diaz in others, Tom almost looks the same height as them. That’s certainly strange, right? Could it be that Tom had some kind of specially made motorcycle-boots-looking lift shoes made? Let’s see:


Yep. I think the lifts are very cleverly designed, but they’re still lifts. And maybe if he didn’t want people to notice, he shouldn’t have worn his high heels with his skinny jeans, you know? Girl, get it together!

By the way, here’s another question: Is Katie Holmes looking a little Botoxy? I realize there’s a lot going on in these photos, and I might be overanalyzing. But she’s looking different/refreshed/especially-frozen to me. Of course, in this week’s In Touch Weekly (via Jezebel), they claim that Tom has been making “obvious hints” to Katie about her need for speed Botox. According to In Touch’s source, “Katie hates needles and wants to look natural. But Tom would point out that Victoria Beckham looks amazing and it seems like she has probably had work done.” Probably?!? Girl, get a better plastic surgery radar!



Look how Cameron is kind of slumping so she and Tom will look like they’re the same size:


Tom and Katie in Spain on June 16, 2010. Credit: WENN.
