Ooooh, scandal!! I love it. Reese Witherspoon, your judgy Southern BFF, got arrested!!!! Reese has been in Atlanta, Georgia this month, working on her new film The Good Lie. This is why she’s brunette, by the way – she dyed her hair for the film. Anyway, it seems that Reese brought her family down to Georgia while she’s working. And on Thursday night, Reese and her husband Jim Toth went out drinkin’. And Jim tried to drive them home and he got pulled over under suspicion of a DUI. But Reese was also arrested for disorderly conduct and you can see her mugshot here. Wait until you hear WHY!!
Reese Witherspoon and her husband, CAA agent James Toth, were arrested and briefly jailed early Friday morning in Atlanta, Ga., after he was pulled over under suspicion of driving while intoxicated, confirmed an official at the city’s Dept. of Corrections.
While Toth is facing a DUI charge after driving in the wrong lane, Witherspoon was also arrested on a disorderly conduct charge according to a police report obtained by Variety. She was handcuffed after disobeying repeated instruction from the arresting officer, with whom she verbally sparred, to stay inside the vehicle.
The couple was released on bond at approximately 3:30 a.m. ET on Friday. CAA, which employs Toth and represents Witherspoon, and her publicist, Meredith O’Sullivan Wasson, declined comment.
A court appearance is scheduled for Monday at 8 a.m. in Atlanta Municipal Court, but Witherspoon and Toth aren’t expected to appear, according to sources. Their attorney is expected to request that court date be postponed. Witherspoon, 37, was with Toth, 42, in Atlanta shooting indie drama “The Good Lie.” Production on the film was not interrupted by the arrests, according to sources.
Witherspoon has been married to Toth since March 2011. The couple had a son, Tennessee James Toth, last September.
Toth was pulled over after midnight Friday driving a silver 2013 Ford Focus, which the officer witnessed weaving across a double line on Atlanta’s Peachtree St. Toth appeared disheveled and his breath smelled of alcohol, according to the police report, prompting the officer to administer a sobriety test. As Toth walked in the Walgreens parking lot where the officer instructed him to pull over to, Witherspoon became increasingly agitated from the vehicle, which prompted the officer to warn her to stay in the car for the sake of her own safety.
“Mrs. Witherspoon began to hang out the window and say that she did not believe that I was a real police officer,” according to the police report. “I told Mrs. Witherspoon to sit on her butt and be quiet.”
Once Toth was placed under arrest, Witherspoon exited the vehicle and was instructed to get back in the car. According to the report, she “stated that she was a ‘US citizen’ and that she was allowed to ‘stand on American ground.’”
The officer then detailed how she resisted as he grabbed her arms to arrest as Toth attempted to calm her down.
As the report details, “Mrs. Witherspoon asked, “Do you know my name?” I answered, “No, I don’t need to know your name.” I then added, “right now.” Mrs. Witherspoon stated, “You’re about to find out who I am.”
The report also specified, “Mrs. Witherspoon also stated, ‘You are going to be on national news.’ I advised Mrs. Witherspoon that was fine.”
Though he told an officer he had only a single drink hours earlier, Toth blew a .139 on a Breathalyzer test administered at the scene. He also is facing a second charge for failure to maintain a lane while driving.
Witherspoon’s alleged violation, which is specified on the police report as “disorderly conduct (obstruction),” is a local municipal ordinance.
Dude! A blood alcohol level of .139 is INTENSE. There’s no way Jim only had ONE drink unless that drink was a Moonshine Big Gulp. And how funny/awful is it that Reese pulled the “don’t you know who I am?” card? I LOVE IT. Drunk Southern bitch. God bless us, everyone!! Obviously, drinking and driving is awful and Jim Toth should be ashamed of himself and there is no excuse for not hiring a car and driver or just calling a cab. But aside from the DUI stuff, I just love that Reese is a trash-talking drunk bitch at heart. She always tries to come across as SO classy and now this! Apparently, when she was arrested, the cop totally handcuffed her. Anyway, they were realized on bond just a few hours later and they’re due in court today.
Reese did release a statement late Sunday, and she attended last night’s premiere of Mud (photos below). Her statement: “Out of respect for the ongoing legal situation, I cannot comment on everything that is being reported right now. But I do want to say I clearly had one drink too many and I am deeply embarrassed about the things I said. It was definitely a scary situation and I was frightened for my husband, but that was no excuse. I was disrespectful to the officer who was just doing his job. I have nothing but respect for the police and I am very sorry for my behavior.” Yeah.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.