NetherRealm has been remarkably quiet about a certain series as of late.

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Injustice 3, while yet to be officially confirmed as in development, is largely expected to be the studio’s first AAA-sized project following the release of Mortal Kombat 11 back in 2019. This is largely due to the fact that the Warner Bros. subsidiary has alternated between creating new installments for both franchises over the last several years, a process which not only leaves room for any post-launch DLC plans, but to give each IP time to rest, preventing fatigue.

It’s worth noting, too, that fighting games in general have much longer shelf lives, so to speak, than those in other genres, often enjoying extended relevance due to their permanent place in the world of eSports. With that said, however, a new DC brawler is on the cusp of being overdue, at least if precedent is any indication. A period of four years has traditionally separated the arrival of new entries for both licenses and Injustice 2 will be exactly that age in just a few months’ time.


With no pre-release reveal to speak of, it’s highly unlikely superhero fans will see Superman, Batman, and countless other crimefighters make a return to the ring in the first half of 2021, but something certainly appears to be afoot. For those that missed it, Microsoft recently added Injustice 2 to Xbox Game Pass. This could well be a complete coincidence, of course, but there’s also a chance, however slim, that this is the first step in a hype-building campaign. Or so says

Ultimately, an Injustice 3 announcement hinges on whether NetherRealm considers its work on Mortal Kombat 11 to be complete. If even more roster additions are announced in the near future, it’s probably safe to assume the former has been pushed by a considerable margin. That’s our take, anyway, but let us know what you think is going on behind the scenes down below!
