so, no ”gutters” are not required by code, but positive drainage away from a building foundation, while controlling erosion, is required by code.Click to see full answer. People also ask, what happens if you don’t have gutters?If rain flows off your roof because you have no gutters, the water causes massive erosion, washing away more and more soil each time it rains. This causes your carefully sloped landscape to wear down, allowing runoff to flow toward your home instead of away from it. Erosion also causes the foundation to settle.Subsequently, question is, are rain gutters required by code in California? The code specifically notes that water collected at the roof and discharged to the ground surface is required to be discharged at least 5′ away from foundation walls only. 3 of the IRC does not pertain to buildings constructed on slab-on-grade foundations. Therefore a guttering system is not required. Considering this, do I have to have rain gutters? Rain gutters are the most controversial type of gutter. They are generally not required by law on a sloping roof, and many modern homes omit them, even in instances where they are beneficial. In order to decide for yourself whether rain gutters are necessary for your home, it is best to first weigh the facts.What can I use instead of gutters? Check them out. Rain Chains. Rain Dispersal Systems. Grading. Drip Edge. Ground Gutter or French Drain. Drip Path. Built-in Gutters.